- Work: Comparison of performance of Adata, Kingston and Samsung RAID 0 arrays of paired SSDs

Comparison of performance of Adata, Kingston and Samsung RAID 0 arrays of paired SSDs

1. Nikola Davidović, Elektrotehnički fakultet, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu::, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2. Slobodan Obradović, Elektrotehnički fakultet, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu::, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Film technology and the dimensions of memory cells have practically reached their theoretical limits. The increase in capacity and performance of secondary memories has slowed significantly in the last ten years. By using a range of independent (and inexpensive) paired SSDs, it is possible to greatly increase these features. In practice, RAID 0 is mostly used to increase the capacity and speed of reading because they are very easy to implement (with at least two devices). RAID 0 arrays of solid state drives do not ensure data reliability and the possibility of recovery in case of failure of at least one disk. Although there are a large number of SSD manufacturers, the three largest are Adata, Kingston and Samsung. The paper presents the measurement of RAID 0 arrays with two and three SSD devices for each of the mentioned types and compares the obtained results. When performing measurements, in addition to the number of devices paired in the array (array size), the parameters related to the size of the data block to be stored or read (workload), as well as the number of parallel input and output operations, performed simultaneously (queue depth) were varied.

Key words :

Thematic field: SIMPOZIJUM A - Nauka materije, kondenzovane materije i fizika čvrstog stanja

Date: 03.08.2020.

Contemporary Materials 2020 - Savremeni materijali

Paper file  (170.66 KB)

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